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  1. #1
    Technologist LuckyImperial's Avatar
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    Marlin 1.1.4 w/ Viki2 LCD on RAMPS

    Alright Roxy, I'm giving Marlin 1.1.4 a shot, but I'm having issues getting the code to compile with my somewhat unique Panucatt Viki2 LCD.

    PHP Code:
    Arduino1.8.3 (Windows 7), Board"Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"
    C:\Users\zmoore\Downloads\170709 Marlin-1.1.4\Marlin\Marlin.ino:39:28fatal errorLiquidTWI2.hNo such file or directory
    #include <LiquidTWI2.h>
    compilation terminated.
    status 1Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560. 
    What's odd is, I've already downloaded and included into the /170709 Marlin-1.1.4/Marlin/ directory LiquidTWI2.h and LiquidTWI2.cpp from here:
    but I'm still getting the error message. Am I putting it in the wrong spot or something? I don't see Wire.h in any of my directories, which is right above LiquidTWI2.h in the Marlin ino file.

    Another detail to note: In the Arduino IDE prompt, the Wire.h text is colored orange which indicates it's actually linked to something(?), while the LiquidTWI2.h text is black.

    My whole Marlin package can be downloaded here for testing:!Aqg7KdDBqulRkHyb5w4CF-edx1DG

    I'm compiling with the latest IDE 1.8.3.

  2. #2
    Technologist LuckyImperial's Avatar
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    Update (Resolved):

    Okay first, I had uncommented both #define VIKI2 and #define LCD_I2C_PANELOLU2, but realized I only needed to uncomment #define VIKI2. This changed my issue from #include <LiquidTWI2.h> to #include <U8Glib.h>....which was a bummer.

    BUT - I figured that out. Apparently in Arduinio IDE you have to manually add libraries by Sketch->Include Library->Add .ZIP Library. I downloaded U8Glib and added it in Arduino IDE along with manually copying over U8Glib.h and U8Glib.cpp into the Marlin directory.

    Compling was going well but then....bam, huge error that I'm not going to copy into this thread. The error was cryptic, but was talking about things being already defined in U8Glib, sooooo, I randomly made a guess that me manually copying over the U8Glib.h & U8Glib.cpp was a bad idea. I deleted my copies of U8Glib.h and U8Glib.cpp from the Marlin directory, recompiled and it worked!

    However, I did have another error I needed to fix. The compiler was saying that my DELTA_PROBEABLE_RADIUS was not set, even though I specifically said to use AUTO_BED_LEVELING_3POINT which should not require a probe radius to be defined. Whatever, I just added #define DELTA_PROBEABLE_RADIUS 80 underneath //#define MESH_BED_LEVELING and it solved my issue. This looks like a bug though. DELTA_PROBEABLE_RADIUS is only if defined for UBL, but even with that commented out, I was still getting an error asking for it.
    Last edited by LuckyImperial; 07-10-2017 at 05:07 PM.

  3. #3
    Technologist LuckyImperial's Avatar
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    Okay, I'm up and running. I don't have my FSR Kit installed so I haven't done any auto calibration but even with my manual calibration it's printing quite well. So far no skipping with my 8bit processor, even at 200 segments/mm, so that's pretty rad.

    I guess I should also note that I had to make some tweaks in the pins_RAMPS.h file for the viki2 LCD to start working.

    #elif ENABLED(VIKI2) || ENABLED(miniVIKI)
          #define BEEPER_PIN        35
          // Pins for DOGM SPI LCD Support
          #define DOGLCD_A0         47
          #define DOGLCD_CS         32
          #define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180
          #define BTN_EN1           45
          #define BTN_EN2           41
          #define BTN_ENC           43
          #define SDSS              53
          #define SD_DETECT_PIN     49 // Pin 49 for display sd interface, 72 for easy adapter board
          #define KILL_PIN          -1
          #define STAT_LED_RED_PIN  39
          #define STAT_LED_BLUE_PIN 37
    This is according to the wiring diagram provided by Panucatt here:
    Last edited by LuckyImperial; 07-10-2017 at 11:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Is the pins.h file wrong? The RAMPS pin file is probably the best tested one. 1/2 of the people use that one. If it has an error in it... We need to get that fixed ASAP.

  5. #5
    Technologist LuckyImperial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    Is the pins.h file wrong? The RAMPS pin file is probably the best tested one. 1/2 of the people use that one. If it has an error in it... We need to get that fixed ASAP.

    Well, I think so. The manual provided by Panucatt has the RAMPS pins defined, and the default ones weren't correct.

    Look at the last page:

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Can you post your modified pins.h file here? Or at would be OK too. With a modified pins.h file that is working for you... It should not be too hard to get this rectified.

  7. #7
    Technologist LuckyImperial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    Can you post your modified pins.h file here? Or at would be OK too. With a modified pins.h file that is working for you... It should not be too hard to get this rectified.

    File is attached above. This gives me a functional LCD.

  8. #8
    Technologist LuckyImperial's Avatar
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    After some time using Marlin 1.1.4 here is my pro con list compared to Repteier 0.92.9:

    Autoleveling/Autocalibration works quite well.
    Buffer management helps out with complex g-code and 8bit processors.

    No Z Babystepping in situ from LCD.
    No method for manually setting Z height from LCD - auto only.
    No web/gui configuration. Took me a day to get my config files all correct.

    The quality of the prints seem nearly identical...except for the fact that Repetier 0.92.9 hiccups on my 8-bit processor causing some pretty nasty "zits" and Marlin 1.1.4 does not.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyImperial View Post
    No Z Babystepping in situ from LCD.
    No method for manually setting Z height from LCD - auto only.
    No web/gui configuration. Took me a day to get my config files all correct.
    This is not true. Turn on
    #define BABYSTEPPING and
    in Configuration_adv.h

    And if you want... You can baby step any of the 3 axis from the LCD menu system too.

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