I think you're really missing the point of why I started this thread, and my previous replies.

I think the volcano also has a more powerful heater cartridge, and I understand that the heating of the hot end is a limiting factor, that's why I said before to assume it's a non issue since I'm only interested in the geared vs non geared part of the extruder. This thread was supposed to be about extruders, not hot ends.

I started this thread to get ideas and opinions on DESIGNING an extruder, and which features to include or choose (direct or geared, single or double sided drive etc. anything you can think of) for this particular design. I did not start it asking which extruder to buy and which hot end to screw into it, which to be honest is not my idea of building it. Two components hardly counts as 'many'. And again you're missing another point, the E3D Volcano and titan combination cost 70 pounds at minimum, that's the old titan and the cheapest volcano kit I could find on E3D's website. I'm not looking to design a low cost printer just to slap on a hot end and extruder that doubles the price. That last bit isn't an exaggeration, if anything it's an understatement. Even with those E-Bay suppliers the hot end and extruder combo will cost about as much as the remaining mechanical parts.

To re iterate. I am not looking for specific hot end and extruder combinations, I'm not even interested in the hot ends for this topic. I'm looking for features which people like in a hot end. Accessibility/visibility to the filament path, fully supported filament path, quick release/filament change, spring loaded or positive pressure (like the flexion), since or double sided drive (like the bondtech). I'm looking for features and ideas I should include to my own extruder design, not who else's design I should buy.