From the time I was turned on to the facebook group of people or a community of people who owned the same printer I made it a thing to go and hunt down all the mods I could find on thingiverse that made sense for this printer. I have had a blast and thus far have not had to design any pieces. Moving forward there are 2 pieces that I need to make to get all these mods to work with each other happily. First is the mounting for the bltouch. The way it is currently mounted allows for considerable flex and ultimately unstable performance from the z axis end stop. I found an awesome solution that mounted to the carriage plate but it was not at a compatible height because the 15 degree extruder mount raises the extruder to give a few more mm's to the z axis. So I had to design this piece that is based off a design I saw on thingiverse..

Of course there were a couple revisions on the way to right..