This thread is amazing. It is really fun to see your progress Jeff. And those first pics were really cool. Reminds me of my hometown, loads of old historic buildings like that.

Best comment so far: CA- "Remember we did tell you it was slow :-)"

You are getting good print quality, at least from the example we've seen, that you are right, probably no need to go tinkering with firmware just yet.

Dropping support resolution from default of 4.00mm down to 1.00mm or 2.00mm (or somewhere in between) is really good advice for the scale you are printing.

A smaller nozzle will also definitely help you with details. It WILL increase print time though I have gone down to 0.2 but that is painfully long print times. 0.3 seems to be a nice, noticeable improvement from 0.4 with not that bad of a time increase. For me it has been a good tradeoff.

Can't wait to see more.

I think what CA is trying to tell you is outside in on overhangs means you are trying to 'airprint'.