Quote Originally Posted by Jiongz View Post
I'm actually working on developing Slic3r infill layers. Specifically from the source code (/Slic3r/xs/src/libslic3r) where the program alternates the infill every 2 layers.

1. Program has to repeatedly print 3 different infill layers until it reaches the last layer (instead of printing alternating angle layers)
2. Each layer consist of 3 different specific angles
3. Each angle is fixed - can be hard coded. (Does not need user input)

The end product will look like the image I have attached, with each color as a different layer.
Does anyone know how to do this?

I will greatly appreciate your help!
I figured out to change the bridge angle to the angles that I want at any angle. By changing the code from within the filepath: (/Slic3r/xs/src/libslic3r/Fill/Fill.h) you can alternate it. I went through many layers of frustration to debug and find through the haystack to understand how the direction and layers work.
