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  1. #1

    Flashforge does not honor rebates!

    DO NOT BUY FLASHFORGE - I bought a Dreamer from B&H in December when they offered a rebate, and Flashforge has yet to fulfill it it 4 months later. Nor have they responded to my inquiries!

    Just trying to warn people so they don't get ripped off like I did

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    how were you 'ripped off' ?
    Does your printer work ?

    Also have you checked that the rebate was from flashforge and not the people you brought the printer from.

    You can't just say: don't buy flashforge because you didn't get a rebate.
    Have you used the printer: did it work, did it break, was it any good. These are reasons to have a go at printer manufacturers - not something like a rebate that has nothing to do with the printer's quality or performance.

    As a general rule, flashforge are one of the top manufacturers both for quality of the machines and reliability.

    Offer is no longer on the B&H website. If I were you I'd read the small print and find out exactly how the rebate is supposed to work.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    I have to agree with CA on this one. Frustration is easy to understand. I'd hound B&H first to see what they have to say about it.

  4. #4
    1. Yes I'm happy to link you to the rebate form if you want to check yourself. It is clearly from Flashforge and not B&H. And yes I have contacted B&H who say it's not their problem:

    2. It is a rip-off when someone promises you $250 and you don't get it. It could also be called bait-and-switch.

    3. If they do not keep a promise like a rebate, do you expect them to keep a promise on their (short) 3 month warranty? Or for tech support.

    Last edited by Chopper; 04-20-2017 at 10:35 AM.

  5. #5
    I agree with Chopper. I am in the process of filing an FTC complaint against Flashforge. Bought printer in November and still have not received rebate. Have sent them multiple emails and they stopped responding months ago. They are committing fraud by not paying rebates offered.

  6. #6

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