I would not compare the i3v with the i3 MK2,

I'll list some positives and negatives that I can see for the Prusa i3 MK2,

First the positive,

To be honest, the Prusa i3 MK2 makes one lazy. Its so easy to 3d print with. Just wipe the PEI bed off after every print with isopropyl alcohol once the bed cools. Plug in a SD Card, select the file to print, and bam! the printer does the rest. The only adjustments that one may have to do every now and then, is adjust the first layer Z height. This is pretty simple to do and verify. Overall it is a very simple printer to use.

Not to mention that Prusa has very good support for the printer and has a lot of stock profiles for most of the common slicers out there. And the stock profiles work pretty darn good. You wont have to teak very much if any to get great prints.

Prusa uses good components for the printer too and because of this the reliability should be good. "No Chinese cheaptronics" per their website.

Now for the negative,

The only negative that I can see is the bed. Its not removable and one cannot use a glass plate as this will screw up the self leveling abilities. So one is stuck with using a thin PEI layer on top. Don't get me wrong, the bed is great as long as one takes care off it, such as the following,

*cleans it after every print with isopropyl alcohol.
*allow the bed to cool before removing prints.
*one uses a glue stick when printing with PETG or flexible materials because if one does not, the print will stick too well.

And I can see in a Makerspace type environment, you will get all sort of different people that may not do all of the above. And I can see the thin PEI layer being destroyed quickly as people may abuse it trying to get hard to remove prints off because they don't let it cool down completely or did not use a glue stick when they should have.

So I can see the PEI layer needing to be replaced often. But on the positive note, it does not matter if the bed gets tweaked as the Prusa I3 MK2 will automatically self adjust and one will always get the perfect first layer!

Not sure if this helps, buts its my 2 cents worth!