Been too busy to post, but here's what I've done with mine:
- I built a small workbench out of 2x4s with 2x12s as the top (used a leg kit from Super stable and much better than the cheap Ikea desk I had it on. Need a rubber mat for the top now to further reduce vibrations.
- Someone in this thread suggested to rotate the power plug / switch panel so that the switch is easier to access. I cannot recommend this simple 5 minute mod enough! The power plug was always in the way of the switch and it's no longer an issue.
- Disconnected the stepper motor driver fan. Amazing that such a little fan is so loud! I need to run my printer a bit and check driver temperatures with and without the fan to see if it even makes a difference. Prior to this, I had made a little duct so that the fan would blow more air onto the drivers.
- Upgraded my z-axis rods, build plate, and hot ends with jfkansas' offerings. HUGE difference. Build platform is much more stable now and print quality has improved.
- Built an air scrubber based off a design I saw on Thingiverse. Mine uses 100mm Sundstrom respirator filters that are available on Amazon and eBay. Hopefully it will cut down on the smell when printing in ABS. The cool thing about these filters is that you can stack them. Right now I'm running a P100 particulate filter plus a VOC / chemical filter. Will put my design up online soon!

Next up, I'd like to work on soundproofing a bit. Unfortunately I have to keep my printer in my office and the noise gets rather annoying. I was thinking of applying Dynamat or a similar sound deadening material to all exposed metal surfaces. Maybe even build an enclosure around it.

And finally, I have an annoying problem: the little blower has gotten pretty loud. Sounds like the bearings are shot. Any leads on a high quality replacement?