Quote Originally Posted by uncle_bob View Post

Since you have decided to ignore the most basic fact that an inductive probe (which is not the only way to do ABL, there are much better approaches in this case) DOES NOT LEVEL TO THE PRINT SUFACE(it levels to the pcb which is not attached to the print surface). There is nothing at all to your claim to have facts on your side, you simply have an opinion. Fact wise, I've put up measured data. The only thing we've seen from you so far is a absolutely nonsensical rant.

NEVER did I say that an inductive probe was the only way to accomplish ABL, so stop putting words in my mouth. YOU stated that "a bed leveling probe is totally useless to fix the problem." I hate to break it to you, but Josef Prusa disagrees with you. I suppose from your attitude as displayed on here that you consider yourself to be the expert and Josef Prusa to be just some punk kid. Also, Colin sells inductive sensors for his printers, perhaps you should tell him that he's clueless as well.

I merely answered the op's question, and you chose to take a dump on the thread and proclaim everyone but yourself to be clueless.

As for your "
DOES NOT LEVEL TO THE PRINT SUFACE" statement, many printers use aluminum heat beds as the print surface, so the inductive sensor is leveling to the print bed. I see zero "measured data" from you, but I did post scientific data regarding target correction factors for various surfaces.

As for your insinuation that inductive sensors will not work on MakerFarm printers,I guess my printer failed to get that memo.

Lastly, your personal attacks against me prove that you have nothing to back up your statements, so you accuse me of being nonsensical. I am the ONLY ONE in this discussion to post scientific data, your "measured data" only exists in your mind, not in this thread. I'm through engaging with your narcissistic attitude.