a well calibrated delta should give at least as good a print as any other printer - generally they seem to be better.
BUT the cheaper the kit the more you'll have to do yourself.
Also bear in mind that most delta's are bowden setups so can have problems with flexible materials.

have a look in the reprap section for self builds.

personally I wouldn't recommend one, on the gorunds that a kit of parts is NOT a factory tested machine and has no guarentee of actually working.
Throw another $100 bucks at it and get a wanhao duplicator i3 2.1 model.
Solid metal frame, good machines. http://wanhaousa.com/products/duplicator-i3-steel-frame

You'll learn plenty by doing the odd modification.
But personally I'd rather start with a tried and tested machine than a bunch of parts, any one of which can have a fault that stops things from working.