Hey, my name is Tommy. I'm a 17 year old who has designed and built a delta style 3D printer. I am looking to get into the industry and I have a few questions if anyone could answer them for me.

I would like to get into designing and building printers. I really like the process of designing something and watching it become a reality.

My first question is, what kind of education are companies looking for? Would a 2 year technical be enough? or should I be looking at 4 year collages? Or are they looking at experience more than education?

Also what are some entry level possessions that I can start looking to get into. I would like to get into the industry as I go to school so I can get a head start.

Is there anyone I can contact? I have reached out to a few companies already but I'm always looking for new contacts.

Any other information would be great!

Tommy F