Quote Originally Posted by DarkAlchemist View Post
Naw, I wasn't thinking that but damn it they need a US seller but seriously around 50-60 dollars for it with shipping I will have to pass on it no matter how good it is.
Man that is a hefty price, local sellers would definitely be a good idea.

Quote Originally Posted by Syd_Khaos View Post
Ontop of that there is another issue I think I see.

Just watched a bunch of youtube vids on it...noticing that EVERYTHING is being printed with rafts.

Whats the deal there?

If the trade-off for printing without a bonding agent is that everything has to be done on rafts I am not sure its so good. Using PVC sticker and glue stick I print almost nothing on a raft. It is very rare I come across something that needs a raft to print properly.
I never use rafts with mine at all and I never have a problem. Only thing I do is print a skirt to make sure the flows going good, but I do that regardless of my bed material.
No idea why people are using rafts unless that's their preference but it's been completely unnecessary in my experience.