I'd look at the start scripts. And possibly use a negative value in the home position. Like -.1 or -.2... what software are you using?

It shouldn't go to full zero either. The first move of the gcode is usallly .2 z move, or whatever the first layer height is. You have to have a gap or the nozzle won't have any room to extrude plastic.

Quote Originally Posted by Syd_Khaos View Post
For some reason my machine wont go to full zero on z axis when it starts a print. This causes all prints to fail right off, as the material is dropping out of the nozzle, not sticking to the plate, its visable. Plate is leveled very well.
Using the Home Axis command in machine menu and it will raise the plate till the limiter is tripped, but does not do so when a print starts.
Any suggestions?

This is aggrivating...I know the issue, just not how to fix it.