New FFCP user here - I've had my machine about two weeks. Using ABS, I did a few test prints, and made a few of the thingiverse upgrade parts - filament alignment bracket, side handle covers, table wingnut covers and spindle for small diameter filament spools. I've overcome lifting at the base plate and even a nice extruder clog. Now that I've got prints running to completion I'm wondering how I can get my surface finish more consistent. It appears that some of the lines are laid down a bit thicker, and there are what appear to be drag marks at random places across the surface, either from the extruder head or perhaps small bits of filament that stayed attached to it.

I'm printing with ABS, extruder temp 235C, bed temp at 110C and layer height of 0.25mm. I'm using Simplify3D and the tool paths look correct there. Any clues about what I should be adjusting to get this right?

Thanks, Mel
