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  1. #1
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    How This Will Work

    Ok guys, I've been given permission by Eddie the owner of this site to host some design contests. Basically this is how things will work.

    1) Each Week, I'll post my nominations for the best Thingiverse (or Shapeways for the Shapeways contests) designs of the past week, chosen by me. If you would like your design included in the Nominations list, please send me a private message, and I'll review your design.
    2) Once all of my nominations are up, we will open a poll in the thread for voting.
    3) Members are allowed to vote once each. The designer of the design is allowed to vote once each (on their own design and/or others)
    4) You are allow to vote for as many designs as you want. Could be 1 of them or many of them.
    5) Upon the end of the contest, the winning design (one with the most votes) will win a $25.00 Amazon gift card (or $25.00 in paypal: minus fees).
    6) In order to claim your prize, you must register for a username on this site and send me a private message within 3 days after you are declared the winner. You also must be the original designer of the winning design.

    We reserve the right to disqualify anyone or any votes at any given time, without an explanation. If we think you are cheating, you will be disqualified - no ifs, ands, or buts.

    If you have a design that you think we should consider, please send me a private message with a URL to the design.

    Cheaters will be eliminated. Only one person per household/'place of work' is allow to vote.
    Last edited by ThingiverseContest; 03-20-2014 at 03:48 PM.

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