I put this post in the Hardware forum but I think it belongs here or in the Makerbot one...

We just bought a Flashforge Creator Pro here at work. Also have a Makerbot Replicator 2X and an Ultmaker 2. I've been using Makerbot Desktop software for Windows ( and it works quite well in general.

When the Makerbot prints, it extrudes a line along the from of the bed to prime the nozzle and the heads straight over and starts printing. Works great.

The FF does the same line, but then runs the bed all the way down and all the way back up before heading in to start printing. And every print takes a few cm before the ABS begins to stick. The priming line is perfect and it was extruding great at the end, but as the bed pulls away, it pulls ABS out of the nozzle and leaves this tall, thin spire, that gets collapsed (and melted onto the nozzle, grrrr) as the bed comes back up.

The Makerbot Desktop help says you can edit the "startGcode" and "endGcode" files somehow but I can't find them and can find any more info.

I know - long winded question...

Any idea how to change this behavior?
