Would anyone here be interested in buying a Makerfarm Prusa i3v either for using or for parts? I bought one originally intending it to be my first 3d printer, however I long since stopped working on the build and recently purchased a CTC which I'm having a lot of fun playing with.

The i3v is completely built up to the point of just needing some alignment/adjustments, wiring up the system and working on the software bit. I've also built a homemade enclosure around the system, which I can easily unmount if not wanted. The enclosure itself is pretty heavy; plexiglass walls bonded to a wood platform base. The base itself is two 1/4" particle board pieces sandwiching a 1/4" piece of cork sheet. This helped me use screws to get angle brackets and attach the i3v chassis itself to the base. Also comes with LED lights. I can post pics of the enclosure or remove it and just ship the i3v itself if desired. Also I have an aluminum bed upgrade on the printer, alongside a nice aluminum knob for the LCD panel control.