I recently purchased Taulman Bridge nylon filament and have been having some issues with hydrated filament. The plastic bag the filament came in was torn when I received it, so I knew it wouldn't be dry enough to print with yet. I tried anyway, and noticed a lot of steam and a pretty awful print. After that, I followed the directions on Taulman's site to build a dehydration chamber. I put my filament in the chamber for 6 hours at ~145 F and did a test print. The print turned out to be about 80-90% of the quality I'd assume it should have, but there was still plenty of steam coming from the extruder nozzle. Lastly, I put the filament back in the chamber for 6 hours at ~150 F and did a test print. The steam still hasn't subsided and I'm wondering if it ever will.

Is the filament I received just a bad batch that had been in a ripped bag in Amazon storage for too long, or do I need to dry it for longer than the 12 hours I've done already?