Hey, I have two possibly silly questions.

First, as I am struggling to get my double flex extruder working well I am looking through the marlin configs. In the config you need to specify the origin for ABL.

So.... when looking at the printer head on, when the bed is all the way forward, and the x carriage is all the way to the right, that would be an origin of back-right, correct?

Also, on the double extruder, which is the primary extruder? Is the one on the right that is closer to the (supposedly) back-right zero point or is it the one of the left?

I have been assuming that the primary extruder is the one closest to the origin ( for me back right), but when I look at the configuration I see the probe offset is set to an X offset of 31, which would be a measurement to the left extruder tip not the right one.

Thanks for any help clarifying, as I imagine these things are playing into my calibration issues.
