I'm new to 3D printing (and this board!). I recently bought a FlashForge Creator Pro and have been having a great time with it using files downloaded from the internet. I really would like to start playing with modeling some original ideas but it has been confusing finding a place to start. I've downloaded Blender and SketchUp and was instantly overwhelmed. I know Photoshop CC is not ideal for 3D modeling but I'm familiar with the interface so I thought I would try it. I got much further than I did with the others but I still ran into a wall at some point. I'm trying to start with something simple which is basically a coaster with a raised image. I tried finding some instruction but I think I was having an issue on how to even search for what I wanted to do. There seems to be a lot of information out there but it's quite hard to navigate and find a good starting point. Between 3D modeling for Printing, Animation, Web Development and other applications, I just don't know where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions for where to get some good tutorials on 3D modeling for printing and/or software that is more 3D printing focused?