I have to babysit the auto bed leveling routine because the endstop will be too low on occasion when the process starts and won't be able to fully extend. I always raise the Z-axis through Pronterface or OctoPrint beforehand, but sometimes the print routine will begin by lowering the Z-axis.

My start g-code for Slic3r is as follows:
; 10" i3v 3mm PLA for .40mm Hexagon 8-9-14
G1 Z5 F50 ; lift nozzle
G28; home all axes
G29; level the bed
G1 Z5 F5000; lift nozzle
I'm running the latest Marlin with Makerfarm-specific and ABL-related settings merged into Configuration.h: https://github.com/csmatt/Marlin/blo...onfiguration.h

Any help would be MUCH appreciated!!

Thanks guys,

Edit: I also think I have this issue too. I'll try those changes when I get home today. Maybe they're related?