Quote Originally Posted by catalyst View Post
I picked up the Dremel Idea Builder for $999 at my local Home Depot 2 nights ago. It is basically a re-badged Dreamer without a heated bed, and with a single print head (PLA Only), but it comes paired with a Dremel Warranty, and support.

The Dreamer is a few bucks more, but it prints with various materials.

Has anyone else looked at both or had time with both? I'm looking for feedback. This was my first 3D printer, so I wanted to make sure I had the opportunity for a local store return if it didn't do what I needed it to, it had issues, or didn't work within the first 30 days.

How much of a loss am I at with only having the 1 print head, non heated bed, and only able to use PVA? How bad is the smell with ABS? I plan on purchasing small parts for Astronomy and Night vision so hopefully PVA meets my needs.

Don't get your PLA and PVA mixed up. Totally different filaments. PVA is only used as support material since it is dissolvable in water. You would need two print heads to make use of it also.