I ended up ruining two prints today because of a tangled spool of PLA. One was a 5 hour print, the spool snagged around halfway while I was doing laundry in the basement. I didn't even notice it until the print was almost done. The second happened the same way, about halfway through the print it snagged while I was doing other things in the house. How do you folks deal with this? I tried respooling and it's a total mess now.

One positive note, I experimented a little with some nylon weed whacker line. I have a roll of 2.7mm red line and loaded it up. I set the nozzle for 235C and reduced the travel rate in slic3r. I ran the hollow test cube, the cube delaminated in two spots. I'm going to try running the nozzle a bit slower and see if that helps.