Those updated prints came out wonderful, and this is already well within 90% of usability!

My biggest question now from the latest update is this:

The layers seem to be small, but I can still clearly see layers/artifacts in the prints. Do you know what the reason for these artifacts is? Could it be laser accuracy? I know the peachy is not the Form1+, and I don`t expect it to be as good as such an expensive printer, but I am very curious about what the reasons are for the difference in print quality.

For example, remember the column prints? They looked almost like glass. What is preventing the current prints from printing like that?

If it is simply laser accuracy, this can be resolved with a linear magnetic angular feedback IC. It would take your input voltages and then tie them directly to an angular output! Many of these sensors have analog outputs, so you could theoretically just make an analog error amplifier with your existing coil driver amplifier. These chips are under $2 and have only 3 pins! I mentioned all of this earlier, and let me mention once more that this could elliminate the need for magnetic dampening. Just make sure to get a medium precision IC.

If it is not laser accuracy, maybe the forum members can help brainstorm and throw ideas on the potential causes? I remember Jstraw (hehe) saying his laser spot was shaking randomly, but this was resolved?