Project Update #18: Backerkit is Here!
Hey Backers!

Shortly we will send all of you awesome people an email with a special link to our BackerKit survey. In the survey, please answer any questions we have regarding your pledge, provide shipping information, and square up on shipping costs if need be. You can also add any of our “add ons” (The Telescoping Legs & Reservoir Mounting Kit, additional resin, etc) to your order. You can even add on extra Peachy Printers if you’d like!
As a reminder of the progression we’ve made since the campaign has come to an end, we've made a great new video that features our best prints to date and promotes our Backerkit! Check it out below:

This is what we've been able to accomplish so far, and with months left in development to further refine the product you can only imagine where we'll be when we ship!
It’s important that you respond to the survey promptly as our ability to make orders for parts relies on receiving this information. Filling out your BackerKit survey is not required, but will help out the project tremendously, and it’ll help us get a Peachy Printer in your hands quicker!
Please note:
- You don’t need to make an account to complete our survey, just fill it out and you’re all good to go!
- If you’d like to edit one of your responses to our survey, you can do so anytime before the Backerkit cutoff date (January 5th, 2014).
- If you used your Facebook account to register on Kickstarter, the BackerKit invite will be sent to the email you used to register for Facebook. If you have another email you’d prefer to use, please let us know at
Quick Q&A:
1. I missed the Kickstarter campaign, can I still join through Backerkit?
Yes you can! We will be sending invites out to those of you who want to join our Kickstarter campaign soon. To make sure you get an invite, can fill out the form here.
2. I didn’t get my BackerKit email invite. Where is it?
If you didn’t receive an invite, have no fear… You can resend your invite to yourself! Just go to the project BackerKit URL: , click on the “Didn’t get your invite?” link, and follow the instructions on that page.
3. I forgot my BackerKit password. How do I get it?
Just go to the project BackerKit URL: , click on the “Need to recover your account?” link, and you will then be asked to enter your email address.
4. I want to sign back into , but I don’t remember the email I used for my account. How do I get it?
Please email and they will help you.
If you have any more questions about BackerKit: Please check out, or email the team directly at They’re happy to help!
Thanks everyone,
The Peachy Printer Team.