I have read in various places that I must use Arduino 022 to reflash Marlin into my ramps hardware. Since I use newer releases of the Arduino IDE routinely, I would prefer not to drop back to 022.

I have successfully compiled the Marlin source that is linked from the build guide for my new 10" Prusa i3v. I used Arduino 1.0.3 and simply changed the ".pde" extension to ".ino" on the main code. No compile time issues whatsoever.

But there have been subtle changes to the Arduino libraries along the way, so I can appreciate that there may be some hidden problems associated with jumping ahead to 1.0.3 or 1.0.5.

So, has anyone been successful using an IDE more recent than 022?

Thanks in advance (and apologies if this is a tired subject -- I did not find it by searching).
