
Some people here may have seen my works quoted around the place on 3DPI or on reddit, however I have decided to post my article in its entirety here today.


This was written over 2 whole days following over a year of me spying on a lot of Kickstarter/Indiegogo 3DP projects and even working on one myself. The article is very long but it looks into the realistic goals that crowdfunding campaigns need to succeed. I then look into the strategies that campaigns use to try and stay afloat if they do not reach my determined minimum viability line.

The scenarios I explain are all too common and every month, the same story happens with a new company. If anyone is interested in the crowdfunding printing scene I implore you to read my article. These start-ups are all innocent and naive when they start, but they *always* pass a point of no return when the cost to buy printer parts exceeds their total cash and the companies enter a downward spiral into bankruptcy. It might seem like I use a lot of harsh words and black and white statements, but these companies will lie through their teeth to tell their backers that they merely have delays when in truth, the companies have no money to buy the printer parts anymore. It is only just a matter of time until they collapse. The coming months will see a lot more fall.