Quote Originally Posted by old man emu View Post
If I printed my ducky with the Z-axis moving in a vertical arc from the word "Go!" then there would not be anything underneath it for support and I would end up with a blob on the printer bed. The only way to support the vertical arch would be to print a grid of internal support pillars before joining the pillars with lines of filament which would support the external layers.

In other words, first print a support mesh, then close the mesh with closely spaced layers.
Right now... The Slicer programs can do infill several layers at a time. They just put out extra material and are moving quickly. But this needs to be done after the perimeters are there and what it really is doing is putting off doing the infill until the last minute and catching up.

If the Slicer could compensate for the clearance needed for the nozzle... It should be able to build up some areas faster while it is still going up slower on the outside perimeters. It would be doing the multiple layers of infill ahead of the nicely finished perimeters.