I repair old telephones. (Not cell phones) I have played a little with 3d printers over the years... just a tiny bit. I do have 2 laser engravers and often make flat parts with them. I am looking into the possibility for making more intricate replacement parts such as battery covers on older cordless phones, antenna housings (empty semi-flexible plastic tube) maybe even button caps (white plastic caps with black dial pad numbers, tiny power switch plastic slider, etc...

Basically I'm not interested in making toys. I need functional parts and I need them to look reasonably nice (not the typical texture from 3D parts pulled right out of the printer)

There are so many choices and thins to look at. I'm hoping someone can help narrow down the search or provide recommendations.

I don't need to print anything large. 6" bed would be fine.

Also, what is the easiest way to replicate a part like a battery cover door? Is there a cheap and easy 3D scanning that works? Or is there a reasonably priced service where I can send out a part and get back files??
