Quote Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
Reddit post was taken down. If this guy didn't promise to give 3D printed gold to everyone we'd leave the votes up. However, he is basically bribing people to vote. We will remove the votes. Although I do like his idea for the Reddit Silver. Just have to be fair to everyone else though.
I am the creator of reddit silver 3D design entry.
The whole point of the design was something easy that we can print and learn our way around the printer. If it turns out bad, as many first time projects do on a 3D printer, then great, ITS REDDIT SILVER, the whole point is that is this idea of a 2nd class.

The great models samples that come with the printer are designed to be great when printing but can you take your design from, lets say solidworks and turn it into object that sorta represents what your drawing actually looks like? There are sooo many options, even after the design files are complete, on how to actually print them. How to arrange the items, how many, how hot the base, how hot the tips. Fine or draft printing, whats the difference?

The fun thing about reddit silver is that even when you messed up you actually have succeeded.

The internet is a very powerful learning tool but most of us use it to watch cat videos. 3D printers are a powerful tools but most of us will make funny cute things before we really get to work on creating quality stuff. Look at all the HTML pages before lets say 1998, people where just making the "dancing jesus websites", [Simpsons reference], but look at how far we have now come. Anyways sorry for the RANT but next 3D design is going to be a 'dickbutt', google it, and it will win again, because that's what the people want. If I had it my way I would band all pop music but its out there, I don't like it, but many people do.