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  1. #16
    so i now have a RAMPS 1.4 board on the way. $9 on Amazon, and it was Prime too its enough to get me started. now Ive got most of my parts more or less planned out. Im probably going to have to go with an aluminum PCB heat bed due to cost and power needs. Im still not quite sure big of a power supply i need to get. I tend to go by the 80% rule with electronics, meaning I try not to exceed 80% of full capacity of my power system.

    I got a good look at a CoreXY machine at a local shop and got some ideas for the table lift. Cant remember what brand it was, but it used a single lead screw with 2 guild rails in the back with beefy "book shelf" style triangular mounts pointed out from about 1/3 distance centered at the back to the outer corners. Thing was rock solid so I may do something like that as well. Made a mounting case for my Mega 2560 so that it can be neatly mounted.
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