Hi I'm new to the forum and new to 3D Printing.

I recently bought a Wanhao i3 Duplicator, and like many I am experiencing a few problems when printing, or should I say trying to print, it rarely finishes a print, the problems I'm encountering are;

Warping ( partly solved, but still being experienced on the odd print)

Print not parting from the raft at all

Print failing when printing fine detail, ( no filament being extruded) this to my inexperienced eye seems to be a filament feed problem, when I try to manually feed the filament it wont go through the extruder. On freeing it from the extruder it's bent ( this may be caused by trying to manually feed it), but once I have trimmed off the bent bit, and re-feed it, the filament extrudes without a problem.

Raft not sticking to the plate, I've tried the blue tape and hairspray ( reference numerous You Tube video's) but it still fails to stick.

I'm hoping you guys have some solutions

I'm using PLA filament and .4mm nozzle on the extruder