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  1. #1

    SPATA Caliper May Just Be The Best 3D Modelling Tool Yet

    Students from Lancaster University have developed automated measuring tools in the form of a caliper and protractor, both sporting a futuristic look and offering great convenience during 3D modeling. The tools are bidirectional and feed measurement info directly into the modeling program, through a custom designed middleware program created by the team. The tools are tethered to the computer, and offer a variety of options and a full display for the user, including printing times and information regarding materials. Boxes can be created and measured as well as more complex shapes, including holes. The tools operate like a third hand as the user can hold the tool, press buttons, and gather and assess a design without having to stop and type in dimensions. Check out more details about SPATA in the full article:

  2. #2
    Engineer-in-Training Hugues's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Best 3D modeling tool ?
    What is kind of new is the user interface. Aside of this there are far better modeling tools out there really.

    I would have to try it, but I don't have any problem to measure my part with a caliper and punching the number on my keyboard. And yes, for measuring cylinders maybe, but for measuring awkward dimensions, I can already see the wasted time with this way of working.

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I was fully expecting to think this is stupid, but man, the video makes me want to at least try it.
    There are better modelling tools, but I get the impression that these gadgets might actually be affordable, which pushes them ahead.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    well it's neat. But there was less than a minute between the same design using the electronic calipers and a set of normal digital ones.

    So while it might help, it's not going to revolutionise anything.

    Curious about the cad software though, that looked quite useful.

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