Good evening guys and gals... So I currently have a rostock max v2, which i love... its been hard to tune, but its pretty solid now.
So I find out soon whether I am going to be awarded a relatively large job (considering the usual small jobs you run in to on 3dhubs etc).
It will pay enough to buy a decent 2nd printer. Not great, but decent.

So , if I was dead set on quality prints, speed is not the object where would i go?

I would like it to be a a direct feed system (vs the rostock bowden tube etc) because i want to print flexible filaments, copper etc better (i can now, but its tough).

I am looking in the $1000 - $1500 range... and it must have a build area of at least 8" x 5" by only a couple tall.

WOuld love to start a discussion, I humbly request your help.
thank you