Quote Originally Posted by Mjolinor View Post
Sphere r = 6 ; ????????????????????? Auto capital, the joys of copy and paste.
Fixed that now for you Mj. Sorry, but after working on that post and fighting with Word until late in the night, I missed proof reading. Things would have been better if I could have uploaded a 45Kb *.doc file and not been limited to 19 Kb.

What I did was to open OpenScad and copy and pasted a small section of the code for the chess piece (made sure it had all the punctuation marks used by OpenScad) then used <cut> to remove bits to see what would happen. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why 20 * cos(30) and 30 + 20* sin (30) were used. That's just a way to come up with a number for a co-ordinate. More about that in another post.

I think that you are like me. Give me someone else's big wall of code and I'm stopped, but if I have he chance to examine the bricks, I can see how they are laid together and then can make my my own wall.

CA, Too much! Too much! My purpose was to explain the ultimate basics of the code for beginners. The very first line of your code has an unexplained term $fn=100. Having to read what I did to write my bit on punctuation, I came across that term and I understand what it means, but think about Mj. Does he? Please remember KISS at this stage.

Old Man Emu