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    i3v 8" Extruder Stepper Issues

    I just got an I3V 8". Build went well.

    Printed the hollow/honeycombed cube just fine.

    Did the whole 100mm extrude calibration. Used the mutiplier on the E-Steps. Everything seemed to be working great.

    Printed the thin wall object to calibrate my hot end/extruder setup. 3 times. Worked well. Mic'ed it to adjust my Slic3r settings for Filament Extrusion Multiplier.

    Updated Firmware to ensure I could do it. And it worked. Just pulled in the default config from MakerFarm install manual. Enabled eeprom saves as well as changing the name of the machine.

    Now, I cant print anymore. The extruder vibrates and shakes, moving only ever so slightly. a 100mm extrude would take over 5 minutes.

    I noticed the motor was not hot. I felt the heat sink on the driver, too hot to touch. thought it was blown, so I swapped it with the X Axis driver on the RAMPS board. Now X axis is still working properly. Extruder is still not working. Slow to turn. Vibrates. I never get filament out.

    Extruder works great when I open it up and push filament through. It comes out the end as expected. When I pull out the filament, heat up the hot end, and extrude nothing. Same status. Slow, jerky, etc. I put my esteps back to 841. No change. Took the extruder off, looked at all pieces, everything is great there.

    When I plug in the extruder motor to the X Axis the thing moves great. No binding, jitter, no anything except expected movement.

    I have the source from Makerfarm for the i3v, with the motherboard of 33. But that is the stuff that is not working.

    When I use manual controls for the extruder or print, it does it either way. Can't seem to put my finger on what could be wrong.

    Any ideas on what is wrong?

    UPDATE: Using pronterface, If I hit extrude 10mm or 100mm of filament, that is where it binds. Same with printing. But if I go into the LCD and move the extruder 0.1mm at a time, it moves just fine. All the way around, both ways. WTH?
    Last edited by BgHurt; 11-01-2014 at 04:21 AM.

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