As mentioned; when I upgraded my printed it became LESS compatible with some SD cards. You can try downgrading the firmware if you cannot find another SD card that works because I find that the difference between my two boxes is very little while one is running firmware 1.0 and the other 7.something. I even tried Sailfish, didn't change that much either, but the settings that it unlocks (same for 7.x) DO have potential to change a lot.. though, if you did not change your onboard preferences (through RepG), then it's safe to say that you can try downgrading without having any loss in print quality or speed.

If you have images to show of your prints, please post them on this board! We have a topic here in the Flashforge sub-forum specially to show of your prints, so please do since we could all learn a lot from seeing each others prints!

Simplify3D should not be the bottle neck here; a lot of the Flashforge users in this community tried/use the programm (I use it myself) and are generally quite satisfied with it.

!! Now I remember something! when you upgrade to the latest firmware there are different versions (there is 7.5 and 7.5B for instance - and the B versions are for Flashforges WITH BROKEN SD CARDS! - check if you didn't install that version, because then your SD reader probably wont work either) While you check that (perhaps even install firmware again to make sure) - also check if you selected the correct chipset 1280 or 5660 and machine.