Quote Originally Posted by Amer11235 View Post
Thanks you so much for the prompt help. I recently tried leveling my nozzles and somehow got it supper stuck in a position closer to the extruder, and messed up the insulation around the nozzles. So, I guess it makes seance that it's getting too hot now and getting pulled in to the gear. I ordered a new assembly mount, so I'll be able to leave more space between the nozzle and extruder once it gets here. Could you please describe or post a picture of what it would look like with PTFE tubing? Just so I have a better understanding. Thanks for the tips on loading the extruder, and the link to the flexible filament thread. Flexible filament is going to be my next purchase. Awesome job with this thread, it have been extremely helpful!
I wish I could sorry, perhaps someone with a new flashforge could. As far as I know, the newer flasforges have a fatter steel pipe and a tubing piece inside to guide the filament down to the nozzle. It's just white tubing thats heat resistant. My flashforge has a 1.8mm steel pipe, which the filament goes down to the nozzle without any tubing.