Ok, another update. Yesterday I've disassembled my extruder to build new one with parts I've printed before. Turned out small gear was badly deformed, so that might've been the reason for some of my problems. I've assembled new extruder, and when I put new small gear on the motor, I had to knock it hard a few time to fit, and I was worried, that I broke it (when I turn the gear by hand, something inside catches a little on every turn). Other than that, new extruder fit perfectly, even though print quality it baaad. At least everything fits together much better than the original I had in the kit.

I've also decided to switch to ABS, which I also have a roll of, but haven't yet tried. After putting everything together I've calibrated extrusion, and it was perfect 100mm every time! At least that was a small win.

Then I printed the small extruder gear and then the dreaded knob. The knob turned out much better than the last one on the top – no mesh, everything looks watertight. But the sides are awful, as you can see on the pictures. I've used settings that printbus uploaded here, with adjustments for ABS and 3mm.


The small gear turned out much nicer, but the top had the same issues as my PLA version – it's not closed properly. It might be because of some Slic3r settings, which I set incorrectly. The gear I printed with MakerFarm config and 100% infill.
