no worries, pm ahead :-)

I haven't got round to uploading my stls for the filament holder and direct drive adaptor yet - but I can send them to you, no problem.
Likewise the simplify3d profiles i use.

They are pretty much all you need. I did print a couple simple belt tensioners - but have yet not bothered to fit them.

The firmware I'm using has a few little niggles. It won't save any settings between power cycles - probably the most annoying - but it takes me about 10 seconds to change the default pre-heat temps.
And I find that if you use the pre-heat from the printer contrl panel I get both bed and printhead to temp in under 2 minutes.

And I have yet to work out how to make it accept any changes made to the confiduration file. But I think that's just the standard bollocks you get with ALL marlin setups. It really is my least favourite firmware.
But it works and it works well - so it is what it is :-)

I generally set the pre-heat off just before I tell it what model to print. The quickest way to do it.

I also drop the printbed 100mm after each print. This insures I can easily get at the print but also the time it takes to re-home the printbed is long enogh so that the PID crap has finished see-sawing the printhead temperature and is ready to print.