This past fall I too built a Makerfarm Prusa i3 8" after doing a lot of research. The price was great and I read good reviews. I agree with most of the above only the packaging was sufficient in my case. Nothing dislodged during shipping. I had a few friction issues too, small, and fixable with a dremmel.

The printer, now a few months old, is making absolutely beautiful prints. I could not be happier with the results. I don't have to continually adjust the physical printer parameters so it seems solid and nothing is drifting. I only check my Z-Home every few weeks or if I see an issue. It just stays true.

The best part of the the printer is Colin. He must never sleep. If I email at 2AM (EST) he'll frequently answer. He is the most helpful support person I've ever seen and I can't say enough how much that helps when you are getting started.

The only problem I had, and this has nothing to do with the printer, was wire management. There were wires everywhere. I tamed them with twist ties by making neat bundles and tying them all together in neat ropes. I bet I have 100 twist ties keeping it all neat.
