Quote Originally Posted by drock1985 View Post

Ive been working off and on for the last 5 months on converting an old Cubex Duo printer into a RepRap (Marlin) printer. This is mainly due to the fact that the software on the printer before was proprietary, and was limited to how/what slicers I could use. So, I gutted the electronics and replaced the mainboard with an MKS Gen L and fitted the XYZ drives with TMC2208 and the extruders with A4988. I also added a BLTouch clone (3D touch) to the system as well.

This is not my first 3D printer per say but the first time configuring from vanilla Marlin. There is a lot of extra space inside the cube this machine occupies due to the dual extruder setup and also that it has the ability to use a purge bucket (not sure about that one yet; going slowly). What I'm stuck on trying to figure out is how to best use the negative (non-print bed) space of the frame to maximize the build volume, but also get the best results when probing the bed with the probe. What settings would I need to modify in a Marlin 1.1.9 build file in order to ensure that the carriage head moves to the right positions of the bed? Also, I can't find much documentation on the 3D touch ABL sensor and wasn't sure how high to mount it from the nozzle.
Any help would be great. I have the system itself moving and homing with a mechanical Z stop switch so that part works fine; just want to get it where I want it.

Hello Drock,

I would like to know the process you did to rebuild the ciubex 3d printer. My motherboard broke and I want to rebuild it like you did.

