Hey Guys,

I am using the Makerbot 2x and it is working perfect so far. My buddy has the 2 and it installed for him instantly also. I don't see any restrictions with my designs, prints, or anything actually. I guess I could collect money from someone in Paypal, and set permission for them to print once, but it doesn't force you into anything. Ummm actually the more I think about it, there is nothing stopping me from actually selling a design on any market place today. Collect a check, and simply click share -- type the persons email address in. I just need to design something bad ass first.

What would be really awesome is getting a hold of this software modification they made that lets you print like 100's of parts without touching the machine. Check this out -- 35 hours of printing without touching the printer !!! http://secured3d.com/blog/real-examp...g-3d-printing/