OK Guys here is my question.... I found a really cool thing i wanted to print. I found it on www.thingiverse.com. I went on the site and typed in Smurf. I thoght it would be cool to print my 13 year old a smurf. They had a cool on so I went in and got the parts files. I started to print it and it was just not working.... mind you most of the part was not in contact with the table. Unsure how to rotate the part so more of it touched the table, or how to do it otherwise, I just found a box that said "Support Matterial or something simillar. I clicked it. Is that going to be easy to clean off the back of the smurf or did I just create a large blob of smurf? And yes I know that hey are blobs to begin with. If it can come off the model what is the easiest way to get it to clean off. I want my daughter to clean it then paint it. She is really into smurfs and she helped me put my printer together. Since she has told me she does not know what I would ever use it for and I think this would be something cool to get her interested, and then get her to learn the modeling part. She is not bad messing around autocad so I thought she could do the tutorials and learn 123d from autodesk and some of the other programs they have.