Quote Originally Posted by ciutateivissa View Post
The way I did the upgrade was to copy the "old" configuration.H file into a text editor (e.g. Wordpad) and printed the whole file out then. I´ve marked the changes I did previosly in red and after flashing the new firmware on the arduino I went through the "new" configuration.H step by step and changed it to my settings. This was a save route for me, at least for the first time I´ve updated.
That's a good way to handle it. Sometimes it's nice to see the entire file as a document so you can get a feel for it.

You can also take advantage of "commenting" in the sketch and use double "//" (without the quotes). Anything after // will not execute. You also use /* and */ to start and end blocks to text to comment it but it's not as easy to find as what I prefer to do. What I do so I can easily find my notes is this:

///////////////////////////////////// My Notes - START ////////////////////////////////////
///////You can also type in here what you actually did and why ////////////////////////


//////////////////////////////////// My Notes -END ///////////////////////////////////////

Then I can later scroll the file and look for my big fat commented lines. It eats up a little space and makes the file a tiny bit larger but for these size files it's no problem.