Quote Originally Posted by usarmyaircav View Post
In Pronterface if I click on the right side of the X axis, it should go right correct? If so I have the plug reversed.
Mine has also done this for the entire time I've owned the printer and I have always had to press the opposite button to get it to go the right way. The important thing is to make sure that the X axis moves from right to left (towards the x endstop) when you press the home button in pronterface.

I'm guessing there might be a way to flip the X axis button direction in the pronterface options but I haven't tried this personally.

Quote Originally Posted by usarmyaircav View Post
The other question I have is that I noticed that I mounted the fan for the hexagon, so that it is pulling air, rather than pushing. Will that be ok, or do I need to flip it?
Mine pushes air but I believe I have heard other folks on here say they flipped theirs and had it working.