Quote Originally Posted by AbuMaia View Post
As an owner of an 8 inch i3v, I pass by the posts regarding the larger printers, which more and more people are using these days. They're outside my experience, as are the RAMBO and RUMBA board posts.
Yeah, I've raised that point before. Add to the list variations in LCD screen and the fact that MakerFarm has (rightfully so) incorporated some design improvements along the way, and it's definitely tougher to help out these days. It used to be that we had a fairly close-knit group of people with identical printers, solving identical issues, incorporating identical mods, etc. Now we have all sorts of variations in the mix, and many OPs don't seem to realize the need to provide basic configuration insight in their question or issue thread.

I've noticed that the regulars around here have not been as active in the posts as in the past...
Speaking for me personally, I simply grew weary of days entirely spent helping others via PM, IRC, and forum threads while my own printer sat with the power off and my 3D design skills remained lacking. I'm now more selective in where I apply my time.