I'll start with this, I don't hear many people who buy a single nozzle machine later complain that they regret that and feel limited. I do hear of a lot of people who buy dual extrusion printers and end up hardly using/completely removing the second extruder and nozzle. There are definitely cheap dual extrusions kits out there, though. I'd go for a 2 in 1 out solution rather than dual hotends.

Secondly, what sort of printing will you be doing? Organic models? Engineering parts? Organic models often benefit from support (though many people try to avoid it) and you can design most engineering parts so that they don't require support. As a matter of fact, I always design my parts to require no support. It saves printing time, material costs and post processing. Even with dis-solvable support it takes time (a fair bit of time, people often underestimate this) and can be a pain to remove it all.

Thirdly, that printer you linked to is a paper printer...?