Sorry for the long no update, was sick, and then was having issues with my BLtouch not working on the Duet Wifi but working on the TEVO tornado and Cr-10 test. Finally *fingers crossed* seem to have found the problem and.... defective board -.- $229 bucks and so lucky lol. Basically first problem is despite my multimeter saying my Power supply is supplying 24V, the Duet wifi says it's 29V, so I turn it down to 20V and then it says 24V. OKay, then Bltouch wouldn't work so tested the rails on the board.... all the 5V, when tested using meter, says only 2.8-2.9V max, while the 3.3V rails say 2.7-2.8V, way lower than doable, so basically.. Yeah. The options I have are hopefully spool3d (who I bought it from) would replace it for me (which they did for the first BLtouch that we thought was defective but was the board) or get an arduino Uno (20 bucks) and have that solely power the 5V on the BLtouch, or something to singlely power the BLtouch. Any ideas?