Sorry for the long delay, been busy but didn't do much until last two days. I seriously have bad luck with electronics, first PC's where I often bought defective units lol, now this, all my 5 printers came with 1 somewhat major problem that I had to fix, delaying its use, this HEVO is no exception. I spent over 4-5 hours trying to get the BLtouch working (2 hours wasted because of me being stupid and naming a file wrong) on the Duet Wifi, only find out that my BLtouch has the magnetic flux loss issue, where it loses it's magnetic field or something, in short it doesn't retract anymore, no matter how much I clean it (and the fact I've only used it a couple of time back when trying to calibrate my Delta), yeah it's defective. So I have to resort to well a Z endstop, which took me another hour because well learning reprapfirmware. I have two TriangleLabs BLtouch clones and I'm really tempted to just go with my MKS Gen 1.4 cause it doesn't require modification to the BLtouch (on Duet wifi, you need to cut logic board 3.3V on BLtouch) for the HEVO, but we'll see. so the endstops are done, next up will be installing the bed, waiting also for the TL e3d V6 nozzle and titan extruder, and yeah, hopefully get a print this week!